Predictive Research

Data Synthesis For Energy Markets

Data Synthesis

Human Touch

Lium is an independent market intelligence firm designed for investors and executives by
energy finance veterans.

Starting with big data and data science, our research process incorporates human experience and field-level observations. 

Predictive models are presented in user-friendly dashboards offering transparency & flexibility. Written reports expand on the data with in-depth perspective.

Unique. Timely. Predictive. Actionable. Relevant. Practical. 

Lium In The News


Lium’s proprietary Data Synthesis methodology harvests, digests, back-tests, and refines big data from many sources across the broad energy marketplace. 

Next, our people, models, and algorithms turn this data into predictive research shared with members in interactive dashboards, data downloads, and the written word.

At every turn, human experience, knowledge, and firsthand observations are incorporated into the product – from the first digit of data collected to the final presentation.

The end result? A rich suite of unique research products that empower Lium members to outperform.

Primary Data

Big Data. Data Science. Heavily Back-tested. Robustly Refined.

Predictive Modeling

Proprietary Forecasting Algorithms. Macro Industry Predictions. Micro Sales Projections.

Human Touch

Field-Level. Channel Checks. Human Experience. Independent Thinking.


Practical Presentation

Interaction. Flexibility. Concision. Future Outcomes. Transparency. Timely.

Who We Are

Before joining forces to create Lium, Lium’s partners independently built their own market research firms (Coras Research and Infill Thinking). Each of these platforms established long track records of accurate forecasts and influential publishing in energy markets. Lium’s approach is a hybrid research model incorporating data service, equity research, and thematic market intelligence.