

Lium works with institutional investor and industry executive clients engaged in the energy industry to improve clarity and returns, accelerate growth, and optimize capital allocation strategies through deeply researched fundamental data and reports. Please see below for product information and contact forms to reach our sales team for samples and pricing.  


Within each of our coverage verticals (i.e. utility-scale solar, residential solar, storage), we offer three levels of product access. Our sales team works with clients to tailor packages to client needs and sector interests (contact us to get started).

Important note: Under the service types described below, a single user is covered by each subscription. For institutional investor clients, one user is defined as one investment team at the client firm (for avoidance of doubt, an investment team is an individual portfolio manager or pod and his or her direct reports/analysts). If multiple users are requested by client firm, they must be named, specified and priced accordingly in the initial service agreement or separate agreements executed per team. 


  • Written Reports
  • Email Alerts


  • Written Reports
  • Email Alerts
  • Project Databases
  • Historical Trends
  • Online Models
  • Published Forecasts


  • Written Reports
  • Email Alerts
  • Project Databases
  • Historical Trends
  • Online Models
  • Published Forecasts
  • Company Level Data
  • Slide Decks
  • Quarterly Update

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