Solar satellite data
solarSAT™ reports
SOLARSAT™: Utility Solar full steam ahead; Q3 tracking +20% y/y; Panel installs up 2x; ARRY slow
Assuming the industry continues to click, the U.S. will soon be installing 30-40 GWac (40-50 GWdc)...
SOLARSAT™: July hitting on all cylinders
Broadly speaking, activity across the board was robust in July, particularly for new construction which was almost...
SOLARSAT™: June BIG month for new construction starts
roughly 2.5 GWac (30 GW annually) of new solar was started in June, suggesting that tracker...
SOLARSAT™: May construction picking up speed, but panel installations still falling behind
While new construction starts and tracker activity is progressing as expected in Q2, the conversion to...
SOLARSAT™: Great April for new construction starts; Panel flows disappointing
After a relatively slow winter, April new construction starts have picked back up to ~25 GWac...
SOLARSAT™: March new construction improves sharply (after slow winter)
In total, we identified around 1.6 GWac of new projects kicked off during the month
SOLARSAT™: Utility solar activity slow through February (probably seasonal, but worth watching)
Utility scale solar construction was pretty uneventful through February, with firstDIRT (new construction) and panel installations...
SOLARSAT™: Big start to 2023 (panels installed jump another 25%); More solar likely in H1’23E than 2022 total; New construction still hibernating
surprising jump in panel deliveries over the last 30 days, with January installations 25% higher than...
SOLARSAT™: Another big month for panel installations; NextEra primary driver; New construction at seasonal low
On the new construction side (leading indicator to tracker installs), activity has been slower than usual...
SOLARSAT™: November new construction starts drop sharply (after six very strong months); Panel installations on uptrend
Q4 construction starts are now likely to land in the range of 2.9-3.5 GWac, down substantially...